PitchSide is uniquely positioned using experience from actually hiring coaching staff and management teams. We use our experience and unique data to ensure that we can produce a shortlist that is suited to the clubs philosophy.

Pitchside has a vast database of manages and coaches internationally and using analytics are able to cater for any club. We have the ability and network to source any part of the technical staffing team from coaches for the PDP group to first team S&C coaches. We understand a recruitment process form inside a football club for all of these positions and tailor the right candidate to each role.

The Process

The repercussions of having the wrong Head Coach at the helm can be far more damaging in both the short and long term compared to a player signing.
— The Athletic

Technical Staffing Recruitment

Identifying and Recruiting the best talent

Identifying and recruiting elite talent in coaching, technical support, Sporting Directorship and Football Operations is critical to success in the Football Industry. Pitchside Recruitment in partnership with Reed Consulting are unrivalled experts in this process and will run the process from start to finish to ensure client clubs appoint the very best people according to their individual needs